Friday, February 22, 2008

DSPACF 15 Peckhamwoodpeckercider AFC 6

Constantin Conngiggski is in a sul...sorry away.

Wolfgang Wolfkaiser sent the following press release:
"I'm afraid that I will not to be available for selection in tonight's match or next week's crucial Dulwich Champions Leaguequalifier due to my contractual obligations as a tactical consultant with the Oesterreichische Fussball Bund to whip those hopeless yodel kickers (short: yokels) into shape before this summer's Euro tournament.In my absence I would like you to feel 10 feet tall and play fearless attacking football to give everyone a bit of a lift, remember the fans are all honest sheet metal workers who pay a lot of money to follow you around. Then take the lessons learnt away and turn them into positives and build upon them for the next match which is the one you will need toconcentrate on, one at a time. Remember, you can only get better. I'll be following the live score updates over the telexticker."

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